MISRA C:2023 – The rules for the development of safety-critical software
Date: On demand
Duration: 1 day, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Language: English
Speaker: Ralf Schneeweiß
Early Bird: N.A.
Price: N.A.
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MISRA C++:2023 – The rules for the development of safety-critical software with C++
Date: On demand
Duration: 2 days, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Language: English
Speaker: Ralf Schneeweiß
Early Bird: N.A.
Price: N.A.
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Autosar – The rules for developing critical software with ISO C++14 in the automotive Industry
Date: On demand
Duration: 1 day, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Language: English
Speaker: Ralf Schneeweiß
Early Bird: N.A.
Price: N.A.
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C++1x for Embedded Systems compact
Date: On demand
Duration: 4 days, each 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Language: English
Speaker: Andreas Fertig
Early Bird: N.A.
Price: N.A.
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Software Inspections
Date: On demand
Duration: 2 days, each 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Language: English
Speaker: Dipl.-Inform. Peter Rösler
Early Bird:N.A.
Price: N.A. read more

Dr. Stephan Grünfelder
Stephan Grünfelder studied computer science at the Vienna University of Technology and did his doctorate in robotics there. Since graduating, he has always remained true to embedded systems: he developed test software for telecommunication satellites, firmware and test systems for EEGs, worked for four years as a project manager for the development of engine control units and has been leading the test automation team of a broadcasting electronics company since 2010. Stephan Grünfelder is a ... read more

Ralf Schneeweiß
In mehreren Projekten vor und während seiner freiberuflichen Tätigkeit hat sich Ralf Schneeweiß sehr fundierte Kentnisse im praktischen Einsatz von C und C++ auf mehreren Betriebssystemen erworben. Neben den praktischen Kentnissen beherrscht er die genannten Programmiersprachen auch in ihren theoretischen Grundlagen. read more

Dipl.-Inform. Peter Rösler
Peter Roesler was born in 1961 and studied computer science at the Technical University of Munich from 1981 to 1987. He has worked as a programmer, chief designer, QA manager and project manager for a number of software development projects, predominantly in the airports/airlines division of Softlab in Munich. He is a trained inspection leader for Gilb inspections and has already given over 190 inspection seminars to more than 1,800 engineers. He has been working as an independent ... read more

Andreas Fertig
Andreas Fertig, CEO of Unique Code GmbH, is an experienced trainer and lecturer for C++ for standards 11 to 20. Andreas is involved in the C++ standardisation committee, in which the new standards are developed. At international conferences, he presents how code can be written better. He publishes specialist articles, e.g., for iX magazine, and has published several textbooks on C++. With C++ Insights (https://cppinsights.io), Andreas has created an internationally recognised tool that ... read more